[Bf-python] Re: erasing textures, materials, objects

nicolas bonnand nicolas.bonnand at wanadoo.fr
Tue Apr 6 22:09:44 CEST 2004

> The datablocks themselves continue to exist.

Thanks Stephen for this explanation.

Since erasing doesn't exist what are the "best practices" when manipulating
 lots of meshes/materials/textures ?

Let's imagine a 'Blender screen saver', or something like a simulation 
tool where
lots of new textures, materials, meshes are created every second.
(Perhaps is this a stupid example .. but it's just an example)

Since it's not possible to erase anything, how can we have this 
application run several
 days and how can we prevent Blender from running out of memory ?

If we can't delete old materials, textures, meshes when we don't need 
them any more
what should we do with them in order to keep memory usage as low as 
possible ?
What are the best practices ?
(As far as meshes are concerned, does it help to set the vertices and 
the faces of old meshes to [] ? )

By the way, are there limits for:
- the max number of materials in a blender session?
- the max number of textures ?
- the max number of meshes ?
- the max number of unlinked material datablocks ?
- the max number of unlinked textures datablocks ?
- the max number of unlinked meshes datablocks ?

Any advice appreciated.


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