[Bf-python] FaceNormals

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at ig.com.br
Sun Oct 19 05:34:00 CEST 2003

> Thx once again. I feel stupid asking about the cvs. Anyway I downloaded
> tortisecvs for windows which seems like a great little program. You just
> right click the file you'd like to update or diff or commit, etc. No more
> command lines Yea! *@! It's kinda slow though maybe that's why they call
> tortise...

No need to feel stupid!  CVS committing, at least for me, was kind of scary,
the manual pages and docs didn't answer what I wanted and thoughts of
spoiling the whole repository kept haunting me at first.  After you learn,
though, it gets plain simple.

Maybe this cvs client you're using let's you click on dirs, too (?).  That
way you can commit all changes in a dir and its children dirs recursively.

As I wrote you, this book is pretty good: http://cvsbook.red-bean.com/ .
Michel recommended it to me when I kept asking him about cvs : ).

Willian, wgermano at ig.com.br

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