[Bf-python] Python Textures

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at ig.com.br
Sun Nov 23 23:05:10 CET 2003

Hi Fabrizio,

> Excuse the intrusion but there's something I'm a bit curious about.
> there any plans to have Blender use Python as a 'texture' generator?

That's one thing Ton is longing for : ).  We have plans, will probably
be the next thing to attack after the better integration.

> Is it possible and are there any plans for such a feature?

There's the old plugin system, but from what I've read (please anyone
correct me if I'm wrong) it's troublesome, doesn't work yet with OSX.
The first idea may be to wrap its functions or something, so we can link
python callbacks to it.  But maybe a new "Python Texture" type
independent from that would be better.  Still needs more research, we
need to learn about Blender's renderer, learn to communicate with it.

Willian, wgermano at ig.com.br

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