[Bf-python] makeparent()

Stephen Swaney sswaney at swbell.net
Wed Nov 12 04:36:58 CET 2003

Willian Padovani Germano wrote:
> But thinking about it, Scene much probably
> shouldn't get its user count set to zero on start, we have nothing to set it
> to one later, it is already the main container, isn't incref'ed on linking.

Doh! This seems obvious, now that you've pointed it out.
Certainly much more so than at 3am.

I'll flip it back and make a comment about how this obj
is different than all the others.

Are there other objs that behave like Scene?  I can't think 
of any at the moment.

Stephen Swaney			
sswaney at swbell.net

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