[Bf-python] makeparent()

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at ig.com.br
Wed Nov 12 03:39:42 CET 2003


Yes, I had fixed it back then only in the modules I was working on, except
Scene, from what I see now.  But thinking about it, Scene much probably
shouldn't get its user count set to zero on start, we have nothing to set it
to one later, it is already the main container, isn't incref'ed on linking.

Thanks Joe and Stephen for finding and fixing this, but please now let's
check it all properly -- we sure don't want bpython to be broken in the
Blender version that will come with the book!

(btw, saw that NMesh has a .users member var already, to return user count).

Willian, wgermano at ig.com.br

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