[Bf-python] makeparent crash

models at paposo.com models at paposo.com
Sat Nov 1 19:35:32 CET 2003

makeParent() causes the autosave feature to crash blender on windows. Not sure why but someone else on elysiun called this too. I noticed it when trying to get the lattice routines working.  Here's my script:

import Blender
from Blender import Lattice
from Blender.Lattice import *
from Blender import Object
from Blender import Scene

myOb = Object.New('Lattice')
myLat = Lattice.New()

myCube = Object.Get('Cube')

sc = Scene.getCurrent()

The after a period of time blender crashes.
Heres' the stack trace:

split_libdata(ListBase * 0x0121fe4c, Main * 0x00000000) line 413 + 3 bytes
blo_split_main(ListBase * 0x0012fad8) line 447 + 19 bytes
write_file_handle(int 3, int 0, int 0) line 1538 + 9 bytes
BLO_write_file(unsigned char * 0x0012fe00, int 0, unsigned char * * 0x0012fef4) line 1621 + 23 bytes
BIF_write_autosave() line 444 + 20 bytes
screenmain() line 1018
main(int 1, char * * 0x011f0ed0) line 549
mainCRTStartup() line 206 + 25 bytes
KERNEL32! 77e814c7()


static void split_libdata(ListBase *lb, Main *first)
 ListBase *lbn;
 ID *id, *idnext;
 Main *mainvar;
 id= lb->first;
 while(id) {
  idnext= id->next;  <------------------- crash accessing NULL pointer

I'll see if I can figure out what's going on.

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