[Bf-python] About the python objects header files

Jordi Rovira i Bonet jordi.rovira at ima.udg.es
Thu May 29 16:29:28 CEST 2003

Hello again,

    Lets take a look at this, for example the camera module.
    In the file modules.h there's this related thing:

/* Camera Data */

PyObject * M_Camera_Init (void);

PyObject * Camera_createPyObject (struct Camera *cam);

Camera   * Camera_fromPyObject   (PyObject *pyobj);

int        Camera_checkPyObject  (PyObject *pyobj);

  In the header there are many things:


/* Python C_Camera defaults:                                                 */


/* Camera types */



/* Camera mode flags */



/* Camera MIN, MAX values */

#define EXPP_CAM_LENS_MIN       1.0

#define EXPP_CAM_LENS_MAX       250.0


#define EXPP_CAM_CLIPSTART_MAX  100.00

#define EXPP_CAM_CLIPEND_MIN    1.0

#define EXPP_CAM_CLIPEND_MAX    5000.0


#define EXPP_CAM_DRAWSIZE_MAX   10.0


/* Python API function prototypes for the Camera module.                     */


static PyObject *M_Camera_New (PyObject *self, PyObject *args,

                               PyObject *keywords);

static PyObject *M_Camera_Get (PyObject *self, PyObject *args);


/* The following string definitions are used for documentation strings.      */

/* In Python these will be written to the console when doing a               */

/* Blender.Camera.__doc__                                                    */


char M_Camera_doc[] =

"The Blender Camera module\n\n\

This module provides access to **Camera Data** objects in Blender\n\n\


  from Blender import Camera, Object, Scene\n\

  c = Camera.New('ortho')      # create new ortho camera data\n\

  c.lens = 35.0                # set lens value\n\

  cur = Scene.getCurrent()     # get current Scene\n\

  ob = Object.New('Camera')    # make camera object\n\

  ob.link(c)                   # link camera data with this object\n\

  cur.link(ob)                 # link object into scene\n\

  cur.setCurrentCamera(ob)     # make this camera the active\n";

char M_Camera_New_doc[] =

"(type) - return a new Camera object of type \"type\", \

which can be 'persp' or 'ortho'.\n\

() - return a new Camera object of type 'persp'.";

char M_Camera_Get_doc[] =

"(name) - return the camera with the name 'name', \

returns None if not found.\n If 'name' is not specified, \

it returns a list of all cameras in the\ncurrent scene.";


/* Python method structure definition for Blender.Camera module:             */


struct PyMethodDef M_Camera_methods[] = {

  {"New",(PyCFunction)M_Camera_New, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS,


  {"Get",         M_Camera_Get,         METH_VARARGS, M_Camera_Get_doc},

  {"get",         M_Camera_Get,         METH_VARARGS, M_Camera_Get_doc},




/* Python C_Camera structure definition:                                     */


typedef struct {


  Camera *camera;

} C_Camera;


/* Python C_Camera methods declarations:                                     */


static PyObject *Camera_getName(C_Camera *self);

static PyObject *Camera_getType(C_Camera *self);

static PyObject *Camera_getMode(C_Camera *self);

static PyObject *Camera_getLens(C_Camera *self);

static PyObject *Camera_getClipStart(C_Camera *self);

static PyObject *Camera_getClipEnd(C_Camera *self);

static PyObject *Camera_getDrawSize(C_Camera *self);

static PyObject *Camera_setName(C_Camera *self, PyObject *args);

static PyObject *Camera_setType(C_Camera *self, PyObject *args);

static PyObject *Camera_setIntType(C_Camera *self, PyObject *args);

static PyObject *Camera_setMode(C_Camera *self, PyObject *args);

static PyObject *Camera_setIntMode(C_Camera *self, PyObject *args);

static PyObject *Camera_setLens(C_Camera *self, PyObject *args);

static PyObject *Camera_setClipStart(C_Camera *self, PyObject *args);

static PyObject *Camera_setClipEnd(C_Camera *self, PyObject *args);

static PyObject *Camera_setDrawSize(C_Camera *self, PyObject *args);


/* Python C_Camera methods table:                                            */


static PyMethodDef C_Camera_methods[] = {

 /* name, method, flags, doc */

  {"getName", (PyCFunction)Camera_getName, METH_NOARGS,

      "() - Return Camera Data name"},

  {"getType", (PyCFunction)Camera_getType, METH_NOARGS,

      "() - Return Camera type - 'persp':0, 'ortho':1"},

  {"getMode", (PyCFunction)Camera_getMode, METH_NOARGS,

      "() - Return Camera mode flags (or'ed value) -\n\t\

'showLimits':1, 'showMist':2"},

  {"getLens", (PyCFunction)Camera_getLens, METH_NOARGS,

      "() - Return Camera lens value"},

  {"getClipStart", (PyCFunction)Camera_getClipStart, METH_NOARGS,

      "() - Return Camera clip start value"},

  {"getClipEnd", (PyCFunction)Camera_getClipEnd, METH_NOARGS,

      "() - Return Camera clip end value"},

  {"getDrawSize", (PyCFunction)Camera_getDrawSize, METH_NOARGS,

      "() - Return Camera draw size value"},

  {"setName", (PyCFunction)Camera_setName, METH_VARARGS,

      "(str) - Change Camera Data name"},

  {"setType", (PyCFunction)Camera_setType, METH_VARARGS,

      "(str) - Change Camera type, which can be 'persp' or 'ortho'"},

  {"setMode", (PyCFunction)Camera_setMode, METH_VARARGS,

      "([str[,str]]) - Set Camera mode flag(s): 'showLimits' and 'showMist'"},

  {"setLens", (PyCFunction)Camera_setLens, METH_VARARGS,

      "(float) - Change Camera lens value"},

  {"setClipStart", (PyCFunction)Camera_setClipStart, METH_VARARGS,

      "(float) - Change Camera clip start value"},

  {"setClipEnd", (PyCFunction)Camera_setClipEnd, METH_VARARGS,

      "(float) - Change Camera clip end value"},

  {"setDrawSize", (PyCFunction)Camera_setDrawSize, METH_VARARGS,

      "(float) - Change Camera draw size value"},




/* Python Camera_Type callback function prototypes:                          */


static void CameraDeAlloc (C_Camera *self);

static int CameraPrint (C_Camera *self, FILE *fp, int flags);

static int CameraSetAttr (C_Camera *self, char *name, PyObject *v);

static PyObject *CameraGetAttr (C_Camera *self, char *name);

static int CameraCompare (C_Camera *a, C_Camera *b);

static PyObject *CameraRepr (C_Camera *self);


/* Python Camera_Type helper functions needed by Blender (the Init function) */

/* and Object modules.                                                       */


PyObject *M_Camera_Init (void);

PyObject *CameraCreatePyObject (Camera *cam);

Camera *CameraFromPyObject (PyObject *pyobj);

int CameraCheckPyObject (PyObject *pyobj);


/* Python Camera_Type structure definition:                                  */


PyTypeObject Camera_Type =



  0,                                      /* ob_size */

  "Camera",                               /* tp_name */

  sizeof (C_Camera),                      /* tp_basicsize */

  0,                                      /* tp_itemsize */

  /* methods */

  (destructor)CameraDeAlloc,              /* tp_dealloc */

  (printfunc)CameraPrint,                 /* tp_print */

  (getattrfunc)CameraGetAttr,             /* tp_getattr */

  (setattrfunc)CameraSetAttr,             /* tp_setattr */

  (cmpfunc)CameraCompare,                 /* tp_compare */

  (reprfunc)CameraRepr,                   /* tp_repr */

  0,                                      /* tp_as_number */

  0,                                      /* tp_as_sequence */

  0,                                      /* tp_as_mapping */

  0,                                      /* tp_as_hash */


  0,                                      /* tp_doc */ 


  C_Camera_methods,                       /* tp_methods */

  0,                                      /* tp_members */


#endif /* EXPP_CAMERA_H */

What i want to discuss, is: in the header file it should be only what 
should be exported from the code file. Many of these shouldn't be here, 
for example the methods struct and the implementation function 
declarations. But that part in the modules.h header should be in here. 
Cleaning this would allow to include "Camera.h" in other modules like 
"Scene.c" where it is required. Now there are problems because of the 
static functions. These should also be applied to many other modules. An 
example of how a header should look like in my opinion is Bone.h, which 
exposes the necessary things and can be included in other files, like 
About the armatures modules. i've found out that i haven't used the 
standard naming convention for "the three functions".

What do you think about it?


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