[Bf-python] EXP Python with MSVC

Michel Selten michel.s at home.nl
Sun Jun 29 22:17:22 CEST 2003

On Fri, 2003-06-27 at 17:36, Greg McBride wrote:
> Martin,
> This worked for me on building Tuhopuu on Windows with expython.
> Open up the blender workspace file. Add the expython to the 
> Workspace (if not already there). Then goto Project --> Dependencies
> ---> Uncheck BPY_frozen and BPY_python
> ---> Check expython

As far as I know, the exppython stuff is not directly in the Tuhopuu
source tree. Somebody added the sources to a zip file - which is fine.
Unfortunately, the sources in that zip file are probably outdated.

The main tree where exppython development is going on is the bf-blender
tree (the main blender source tree). If I remember correct, there are
daily snapshots of the cvs tree made, so you can either download the
latest there, or get the sources directly from cvs. On www.blender.org
there's a link to cvs.

With regards,

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