[Bf-python] module IPO

jms jmsoler at free.fr
Tue Jul 15 23:30:25 CEST 2003

IPO module

The old module                      |   the new one
'BezierPoint',                          |
'Eval',                                     |
'Get',                                      |      Get
'IpoBlock',                             |
'IpoCurve',                             |
'New',                                    |      New
'Recalc',                                 |
'get',                                       |      get
In  one ipo object:                   |
addCurve                               |
curves                                    |      getCurveBP (supposed : curvepos return nothing else than an error)
get                                         |
has_key                                 |
items                                      |
keys                                       |
link                                         |
rename                                   |      setName
update                                    |
                                              |      getBlocktype
                                              |      getCurveBeztriple
                                              |      getCurveCurval
                                              |      getName
                                              |      getShowkey
                                              |      getPad
                                              |      getRctf

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