[Bf-python] Why os is not built-in?

jms jmsoler at free.fr
Sat Aug 30 22:49:36 CEST 2003

Manuel Bastioni wrote:

>To solve the problems of users not
>expert (Windows), that have a problems
>to install full python, set the env variables and
>python path, I've developed this solution:
>use directly nt module (built-in) instead os module. 
>It work fine for my targets.
>The "problem" is that I must make two versions of script:
>1) nt module, for Windows users (no full python required)
>2) os module, for all platform (full python must be installed)
>This isn't really a problem, but I'm curious about
>the very important module like os.py is not built-in...
>                Manuel

The solution is in use in povanim since the beginning (18 months)
and clearly shown since 3 months in the non compiled part.

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