[Bf-gamedev] Cycles Baking Development

Dalai Felinto dfelinto at gmail.com
Tue Feb 18 03:41:35 CET 2014

Hi there.
I just pushed support for "Selected to Active" in the bake-cycles
branch. The new parameters for the operator are:

* use_selected_to_active=False
* cage_extrusion=0.0

The idea is to bake from a high-poly mesh to a low-poly mesh.

* There is no pre-visualization of the cage
* The cage always look inwards
* The cage cannot be 'edited' (all you can change is the cage extrusion)
* The calculation is done in the local space of the objects (as if the
objects had scale 1,1,1, and were in origin with no rotation)
* I tested against XNormals (managed to install "here") and the result
seem to be matching, though the color is coded slightly different for
object normal maps:

Cycles RGB = XNormal R(1-B)G
XNormal RGB = Cycles RB(1-G)


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