[Bf-funboard] Limits on size

Kent Mein mein at cs.umn.edu
Thu Sep 2 13:51:40 CEST 2004

In reply to Vania Smrkovski (vania at pandorasdream.com):

Hi Vania,

The whole reason for the size limits are because of the math involved.
There is a whole field of computer science that deals with the fact that
math on a computer is not the same as your plain old every day math.
pie on the computer is not pie, and there are all kinds of extra things
that just plain don't work very well on a computer.

You may do some math operations that are suppose to equal 0 and instead
you get .000000000000000001

The computer imposes limits because it has limits on how big a number can be.

As stated in earlier comments just using the limits that are there you can
get strange results removing the limits will just let you get further into
the range of messed up math, it will not solve your problem.
The numbers may need a review and could probably be tweaked a little but
they are not just abitrary numbers that were picked out of a hat.



P.S. (I do think it would be nice to have longer names as you mentioned)

> I have a need to have Blender's internal limits expanded.  My projects have 
> scaling needs which range greatly from macro to micro levels, and simply 
> creating a Mesh at one scale and scaling the Object up or down is 
> impractical.
> In particular, the upper limits I am encountering are -1000 to 1000 when using 
> the properties panels, even though I can drag any object beyond that limit, 
> and 5000 as a maximum clipping range for the camera object.  
> And if I view my scene without benefit of a camera, I also find much of my 
> scene is clipped.  I can only view a portion of my scene at a time.
> Now, the first thing I hear from other Blender users is to try using smaller 
> scales, but I have need to use very small ranges as well, from kilometers to 
> millimeters, and if I limit my upper range too much, I lose the ability to 
> work at the very small range.
> I am working on Python scripts to help me manage the Object scaling, so I can 
> have an Mesh for small objects designed at larger scales, and then the 
> Objects for those meshes set to a smaller scale, but this is very 
> impractical.
> Also, the naming for Meshes and Objects appears to be limited to 19 
> characters.  
> Can future version of the software at the very least provide a way to 
> configure user-defined limits to beyond these ranges?
> -- 
> _______________
> Vania Smrkovski
> www.pandorasdream.com
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mein at cs.umn.edu

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