[Bf-docboard] Small problem with MainTOC template

Bastien Montagne montagne29 at wanadoo.fr
Sat May 9 13:52:08 CEST 2009

Hi everybody

I just want to report that there is a small problem with the “MainTOC” 
template used… in the main Manual TOC!
The two cross-references to “Theory” and “Tutorial” do not take into 
account the language code (FR, ES, etc), so e.g. when you click on a 
“tutorial” cross-link in the french version “Doc:FR/Manual”, you go to 
“Doc:Tutorials” instead of “Doc:FR/Tutorials”…

It’s definitively not a critical problem, but it breakes a bit the great 
reorganisation mindrones did in wiki structure. So, if someone had time 
to try to fix it, it would be great :-)

Bastien "mont29"

ps: I would have tried to do it myself, but I’ve not enough knowledge of 
mediawiki template syntax (and no time to learn :'( ).

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