[Bf-docboard] New Lighting Chapter

Bastien Montagne montagne29 at wanadoo.fr
Sat May 2 17:02:55 CEST 2009

Hi everybody

I've committed the new version of "lighting" part on the manual, so here 
is a summary of what I changed:

* Radiosity and "scene lights" (ambient etc.) remained unchanged.
* "General" info (common properties, related settings, ...) on lamps are 
under "Lighting/Lights":
** Data come mainly from old "Lighting/Lamps/Lamp Types", some from 
"Lighting" and old lamps pages.
** I merged recent modifications in old "Lighting/Lamps/Lamp Types" when 
* General "Shadows" and "halos" about lamps are now under 
"Lighting/Shadows" and "Lighting/Volumetric Lights".
* Detailed info about each lamps are under "Lighting/Lamps/xxx" (xxx 
being one of the lamp types).
** There is the "main" lamp page, and sub-pages for shadows or other 
specific topics when needed.
** E.g., I added a page about "Sky and Atmosphere" under 
** "Lighting Rigs" is now under "Lighting/Lamps".

That's for the structure.

I also updated/fixed some pages/pictures here and there, as some pages 
were somewhat obsolete...

I hope you'll find it perfect better (as perfection do not exists in 
this world  :-( ).

As a final word, thanks to mindrones and soylentgreen for their advices 
and criticisms, and to terrywallwork for all the work he did on updating 
lamps settings description past year - this way, I just had to rearrange 
some things ;) .

Bastien "mont29"

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