[Bf-docboard] glossary?

Thom Potter, Magus DragonPagan01 at NetZero.com
Thu Apr 6 18:22:55 CEST 2006

will wrote:

> would the search facility sort-of act like a glossary to some degree? 
> Or could we use the search tool to generate the glossary. 


/From the Desk of Admirable GrayMuzzle:/

» *Thom says:* ~ That would depend on how well defined a term is in the 
document. The purpose of a glossary is to treat the reader as if they 
are intelligent, but not as if they have all the information available. 
Also, there might be a case where a word means one thing in one trade 
(Frog, biology, an animal) and another in another trade (Frog, Horse 
wrangling, the soft part of a horses hoof). A glossary would help 
clarify and minimize any sort of confusion.

Would Wiki allow for JavaScript? If so, there is a FloatWindow that 
might be more convenient.

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var gAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()
var gWindows = ( (gAgent.indexOf( "win" ) != -1 ) || ( gAgent.indexOf( "16bit" ) != -1 ) )
var gIE = ( gAgent.indexOf( "msie" ) != -1 )
var bInlineFloats = ( gWindows && gIE && ( parseInt( navigator.appVersion ) >= 4 ) )
var floatwnd = 0
// Generated in Word Perfect, I expect WPFootnote# could be changed.
var WPFootnote1 = '<span class="WPNormal"><p>This is the foot note. </p>\

function WPShow( WPid, WPtext )
  if( bInlineFloats )
    eval( "document.all." + WPid + ".style.visibility = 'visible'" );
    if( floatwnd == 0 || floatwnd.closed )
      floatwnd = window.open( "", "comment", "toolbars=0,width=600,height=200,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,dependent=1" );
    floatwnd.document.open( "text/html", "replace" );
    floatwnd.document.write( "<html><head>\r\n" );
    floatwnd.document.write( "<style> p { margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:1px; } </style>\r\n" );
    floatwnd.document.write( "</head><body>\r\n" );
    floatwnd.document.write( WPtext );
    floatwnd.document.write( '<br><a href="javascript: self.close()">Close</a>');
    floatwnd.document.write( "</body></html>" );

function WPHide( WPid )
  if( bInlineFloats )
    eval( "document.all." + WPid + ".style.visibility = 'hidden'" );


//at foot note position
This is the text
<a href="javascript:WPShow('WPFootnote1', WPFootnote1 )"><sup>1.</sup></a>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
  if( bInlineFloats )
    document.write( '<span id="WPFootnote1" class="WPFloatStyle">' );
    document.write( WPFootnote1 );
    document.write( '<br><a href="javascript:WPHide(\'WPFootnote1\')">Close</a>' );
    document.write( '</span>' );


    Never meddle in the affairs of wizards, for we are powerful and …
    well … quick to tickle you with our magic feathers!! /Thomas Potter
    (Satanic Proverb)/
    /Thomas Potter: Hemet, CA/:
    Warlock; Magus; ReiKi 1°;
    BronzDragon; First Church of Satan; DarkSide Coven; Universal Life

My Personal Profile is at
    –» TheBronzDragon
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