[Bf-docboard] additional benefit

Martin Middleton bf-docboard@blender.org
Wed, 17 Mar 2004 15:25:19 -0500

DocBook definitely supports index generation and has support for arbitrary 
lists of secondary and tertiary elements as well as "See" and "SeeAlso" 

While I never got around to completing the chapter on setting up various 
environments for DocBook (for an Appendix in the Blender Guide) I can say 
that support for doing this exists on pretty much every platform (including 
Windows). Once the Guide is unfrozen, I'll finish putting together doc for 
an Appendix  explaining how to do this on multiple platforms.

BTW, while there are commercial solutions, I've only been looking into Open 
Source, or otherwise free solutions to working with DocBook.

At 03:50 AM 3/17/2004, you wrote:
>Craig Sanders writes:
>  > One thing we cannot readily accomplish with XML (at least writing it by
>  > hand) is an index - and we definitely need one. Indexes are rated as the
>The gamekit has a index and it was surely not written by hand.
>So there is a possibility to generate one from handwritten XML. At
>least it was at the time I wrote the gamekit.
>Bf-docboard mailing list

- martin