[Bf-docboard-svn] bf-manual: [8364] trunk/blender_docs: Remove Vimeo Extension

Aaron Carlisle noreply at blender.org
Sun Sep 5 00:03:12 CEST 2021

Revision: 8364
Author:   Blendify
Date:     2021-09-05 00:03:12 +0200 (Sun, 05 Sep 2021)
Log Message:
Remove Vimeo Extension

Videos should now use peertube.

Modified Paths:

Removed Paths:

Deleted: trunk/blender_docs/exts/vimeo.py
--- trunk/blender_docs/exts/vimeo.py	2021-09-04 22:01:41 UTC (rev 8363)
+++ trunk/blender_docs/exts/vimeo.py	2021-09-04 22:03:12 UTC (rev 8364)
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import division
-import re
-from docutils import nodes
-from docutils.parsers.rst import directives, Directive
-_re_size = re.compile("(\d+)(|%|px)$")
-_re_aspect = re.compile("(\d+):(\d+)")
-def get_size(d, key):
-    if key not in d:
-        return None
-    m = _re_size.match(d[key])
-    if not m:
-        raise ValueError("invalid size %r" % d[key])
-    return int(m.group(1)), m.group(2) or "px"
-def css(d):
-    return "; ".join(sorted("%s: %s" % kv for kv in d.items()))
-class vimeo(nodes.General, nodes.Element):
-    pass
-def visit_vimeo_node(self, node):
-    aspect = node["aspect"]
-    width = node["width"]
-    height = node["height"]
-    if aspect is None:
-        aspect = 16, 9
-    if (height is None) and (width is not None) and (width[1] == "%"):
-        style = {
-            "padding-top": "%dpx" % CONTROL_HEIGHT,
-            "padding-bottom": "%f%%" % (width[0] * aspect[1] / aspect[0]),
-            "width": "%d%s" % width,
-            "position": "relative",
-        }
-        self.body.append(self.starttag(node, "div", style=css(style)))
-        style = {
-            "position": "absolute",
-            "top": "0",
-            "left": "0",
-            "width": "100%",
-            "height": "100%",
-            "border": "0",
-        }
-        attrs = {
-            "src": "https://player.vimeo.com/video/%s" % node["id"],
-            "style": css(style),
-        }
-        self.body.append(self.starttag(node, "iframe", **attrs))
-        self.body.append("</iframe></div>")
-    else:
-        if width is None:
-            if height is None:
-                width = 560, "px"
-            else:
-                width = height[0] * aspect[0] / aspect[1], "px"
-        if height is None:
-            height = width[0] * aspect[1] / aspect[0], "px"
-        style = {
-            "width": "%d%s" % width,
-            "height": "%d%s" % (height[0] + CONTROL_HEIGHT, height[1]),
-            "border": "0",
-        }
-        attrs = {
-            "src": "https://player.vimeo.com/video/%s" % node["id"],
-            "style": css(style),
-        }
-        self.body.append(self.starttag(node, "iframe", **attrs))
-        self.body.append("</iframe>")
-def depart_vimeo_node(self, node):
-    pass
-def nop_node(self, node):
-    pass
-#Blender custom for not html builders
-def process_vimeo_node(app, doctree, fromdocname):
-    if app.builder.name != "html" and app.builder.name != "singlehtml":
-        for node in doctree.traverse(vimeo):
-            para = nodes.paragraph()
-            t = "A video can be found at "
-            intex = nodes.Text(t, t)
-            para += intex
-            href = "https://vimeo.com/%s" % node["id"]
-            linknode = nodes.reference('', '', internal=False, refuri=href)
-            innernode = nodes.inline('', href)
-            linknode.append(innernode)
-            para += linknode
-            node.replace_self(para)
-class Vimeo(Directive):
-    has_content = True
-    required_arguments = 1
-    optional_arguments = 0
-    final_argument_whitespace = False
-    option_spec = {
-        "width": directives.unchanged,
-        "height": directives.unchanged,
-        "aspect": directives.unchanged,
-    }
-    def run(self):
-        if "aspect" in self.options:
-            aspect = self.options.get("aspect")
-            m = _re_aspect.match(aspect)
-            if m is None:
-                raise ValueError("invalid aspect ratio %r" % aspect)
-            aspect = tuple(int(x) for x in m.groups())
-        else:
-            aspect = None
-        width = get_size(self.options, "width")
-        height = get_size(self.options, "height")
-        return [
-            vimeo(
-                id=self.arguments[0],
-                aspect=aspect,
-                width=width,
-                height=height,
-                )
-             ]
-def setup(app):
-    app.add_node(
-            vimeo,
-            html=(visit_vimeo_node, depart_vimeo_node),
-            latex=(nop_node, nop_node),
-            text=(nop_node, nop_node),
-            )
-    app.add_directive("vimeo", Vimeo)
-    #event listener: replace node if not html builder
-    app.connect('doctree-resolved', process_vimeo_node)
-    return {
-        'parallel_read_safe': True,
-        'parallel_write_safe': True,
-    }

Modified: trunk/blender_docs/manual/conf.py
--- trunk/blender_docs/manual/conf.py	2021-09-04 22:01:41 UTC (rev 8363)
+++ trunk/blender_docs/manual/conf.py	2021-09-04 22:03:12 UTC (rev 8364)
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@
-    'vimeo',

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