[Bf-committers] problem with atomic_ops on buildbot

Benoit Bolsee benoit.bolsee at online.be
Thu May 19 12:19:11 CEST 2016

Hi all,

I'm trying to compile the Decklink branch with the buildbot (after
merging in the experimental branch, revision e2ee569). The compilation
fails on atomic_ops.h:

\intern/atomic_ops_utils.h(99): fatal error C1189: #error :  "Cannot
find pointer size" (C:\b\buildbot_vc2013_amd64\win64_cmake_vc2013
\blender.git\source\gameengine\VideoTexture\DeckLink.cpp) [C:\b

(the full log is here:

The error indicates that the preprocessor cannot resolve this sequence
in intern/atomic/intern/atomics_ops_utils.h:

#    define LG_SIZEOF_PTR 4
#    define LG_SIZEOF_PTR 8
#  endif
#elif defined(__WORDSIZE)  /* Fallback for older glibc and cpp */
#  if (__WORDSIZE == 32)
#    define LG_SIZEOF_PTR 4
#  elif (__WORDSIZE == 64)
#    define LG_SIZEOF_PTR 8
#  endif

But atomic_ops.h is included in other parts of blender and the buildbot
has no problem with that (ex: source\blender\compositor\intern
\COM_ExecutionGroup.cpp); it's only when compiling the Decklink module
that it shokes on it.

I've tried the linux buildbot, the same error occurs.
I've already built the decklink branch before with the buildbot without
error, but that was before the atomic-ops were rearranged in multiple

Strangely, when I compile locally on my computer I don't have the error.
I can't see any difference in the way I'm using atomic_ops.h in the
Decklink module compare to COM_ExecutionGroup.cpp. The list of include
directory and compile-time defines is of course slightly different, so
it must be it, but which one?

The fact that I only have the problem with the buildbot makes it
difficult to debug. 

Anyone with an idea?


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