[Bf-committers] Blender event pipeline

Joseph Paavola joepaavola at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 04:17:43 CEST 2015

Dear Blender Enthusiasts:
I'm really excited to contribute to the blender source code! Me and my
compatriot have made tentative steps into the blender source, making simple
changes to the compositor nodes and certain operators.

We're are trying to achieve a setup where one blender application will
mirror another for experiential purposes. As a first step, we're looking to
find the exact location of the portion of code that is called whenever the
user makes a change to the file. Our code would be called whenever the user
changes properties, moves objects, modifies meshes, etc. We've seen this
behavior before in the log located in the info panel but have yet to find a
way to get that information.

Once we get that information, we will send it to the other blender client,
where the same functions will be called in the same order. This will ensure
that both clients will have the same scene at any given time.

Where exactly in the source should we add function calls to achieve the
desired behavior?

Thanks in advance for your time,
Dr. Who?

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