[Bf-committers] Google Summer of Code 2009 ideas

Chris Want cwant at ualberta.ca
Tue Feb 24 21:48:02 CET 2009

Ton Roosendaal wrote:
> Hi all,
> It's not very useful to use the SOC ideas list a a feature request page.
> Suggestions there should be very obvious, fitting with the agreed or 
> current status of Blender and verified with the developers who maintain 
> the code (they have to mentor it anyway).
> Ideas don't have to be 'fun' or 'cool' neither, it's better to make 
> simple and feasibe suggestions. There's not even exporters/importers 
> mentioned! Why not fix Collada? Or recode exisiting scripts with new 
> Python API? That's the work we need :)
> -Ton-

It's just as easy to add "Fix Collada" to the ideas page as it
is to recommend it on this mailing list. The main reason why
the ideas page reads like a feature request page is because
the people who are most willing to add ideas to page are
end users.

We apply for GSOC as an organization in about a week. I hope
that more devs are going to be able to add stuff to this page
before then. Perhaps it can be a matter of discussion at the
next meeting. Devs are of course free to add ideas onto the
page whether I attend the meeting or not (8AM on Sundays
doesn't agree with me so much these days).


P.S. The time line for Summer of Code is here:

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