[Bf-committers] 2.43 test suite results some critical errors...

Andrea Weikert andrea at aweikert.de
Sat Feb 17 14:25:25 CET 2007

Just did a little retest with RC7:

> Hi Tom,
> This testing is a bit late... almost all files you mention below were
> there last release as well.
> Further the errors you mention don't seem to be showstoppers, so nice
> for the bugtracker or todo after the release.
> > action_nla !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - grab the constraint strip move it - then
> > try undo - it deletes all!
> Not here for me.

Worked for me too, I grabbed the constrainer strip, moved it,then undo. Also
tested with other strips.

> > array3 !! - very cool - node_composit_exec_viewer error
> Error is debug print. Harmless.
> > dolphin !!!!! - graphical glitch when starting to animate while in
> > vertex paint mode; then is fine
> Not here. Opengl error most likely?

Probably OpenGL glitch, very short glitch, I also get this with 2.42., so not
release critical in my view.

> > composite_layers - they render at the same time giving wierd update of
> > the render window
> It renders 4 layers, and it shows this with a callback timer of 1
> update per second.
> Since render is fast, the updates might appear weird?
> Otherwise it is a graphics glitch. For such glitches it would help if
> you had a reference system (more powerful graphics).
> > write exr tmp file, 480x300, c:\tmp\COMPOS~2.BLE_Scene.exr
> That is the save buffer option.
> > glass !!!!! - error first attempt to render (due to the folder not
> > being there); then it rendered but it wouldn't play..
> That is part fix needed in demo file, part unknown. Investigate it!

For me the default setting /tmp/vase/ lead to the directory C:/tmp/vase being
created, so render and
playback went ok. I'd need some mor info to help testing where it might have
gone wrong for you.

> > robot_ao !!!!!!!!!!! - render if far too dark
> This dark error was caused by missing 'shadow' button. I thought I
> re-uploaded demo files...
> -Ton-

For me the robot_ao was a little bit darker in the corners, I've made a
image here: http://www.elubie.de/blender/243vs242_ao.jpg
Without the 'shadow' button it is indeed almost black, the button was on in the
243 testfiles
that I downloaded though.



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