[Bf-committers] Linux Users: Questions about build support needs

Hans Lambermont hans at lambermont.dyndns.org
Sat Dec 30 16:49:23 CET 2006

Erwin Coumans wrote:

> Is it just the iostream used in the game engine? We should be able to
> get rid of that.

That's a nice 'solution' ;-)

> It looks like an incompatibility with STL again.
> Are there many more places Hans?

I moved the RAS_IPolygonMaterial.h include to right above
BL_BlenderDataConversion.h so that the build continues.

The next occurrence is BL_ActionActuator.cpp , it does not include
either of RAS_IPolygonMaterial.h or BL_BlenderDataConversion.h .  So I
could do the same trick in finding out which of these include the wrong
order of some other header files (which might be the very same as the
error is exactly the same). For the time being I changed the include
path for this file to use python2.3 ;-) (Cmake's 'gmake VERBOSE=1' is
useful, maybe this option should show in the help).

The next are BL_ArmatureObject.cpp, then KX_ConvertSensors.cpp ,
BL_DeformableGameObject.cpp , KX_ConvertActuators.cpp ,
KX_ConvertControllers.cpp, KX_ConvertProperties.cpp, KX_IpoConvert.cpp ,
KX_EmptyObject.cpp , KX_TouchEventManager.cpp
Etc. I stopped ;-)


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