[Bf-committers] Tablet Pressure API

Matt Ebb matt at mke3.net
Thu Aug 3 15:30:53 CEST 2006

Some notes on the tablet pressure stuff:

Currently, the way to access it (copied from the sculpt tree) is:

#include "GHOST_Types.h"

const GHOST_TabletData *td;

/* when you're looping */
while(get_mbut() & mousebutton) {
	/* retrieve the current tablet data, which is updated within GHOST  
when events happen */
	td = get_tablet_data();

Then you've got:

typedef struct GHOST_TabletData {
	char Active; /* the active tool, 0=None, 1=Stylus, 2=Eraser */
	float Pressure; /* range from 0.0 to 1.0 */
	float Xtilt; /* range from -1.0 to 1.0 */
	float Ytilt; /* range from -1.0 to 1.0 */
} GHOST_TabletData;

One thing I'm not so sure about, but wasn't sure if I should change  
here, is the separation of GHOST and Blender. How strict should this  
be? The way it is right now, including GHOST headers and accessing  
GHOST structs from within Blender seems like it could be a little  
sketchy, if only philosophically.

Would it be better to make another 'local' struct in Window or  
something that mimics the GHOST one? Or will Jean-Luc just take care  
of this all himself anyway when he does the refactor? *cue  
suspenseful music* Feedback is welcome...



Matt Ebb • matt at mke3.nethttp://mke3.net

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