[Bf-committers] XML-based file format for blender

Gregor Mückl bf-committers@blender.org
Sat, 5 Jun 2004 01:11:02 +0200


A few month ago we tried to pursue the idea of changing blender's native file 
format to XML. This has caused much discussion in the beginning and interest 
was high. But to this date there is no complete implementation.

However, Philipp Guehring sent me the results of his efforts, which he had to 
lay aside because of lack of  time. I'm passing his work on to you in the 
hope that someone with more insight than myself might grab the sources, 
understand them and complete this (actually very complex) task.

The source I'm talking about can be found here:


I've not yet found enough time to closely examine this work and therefore I 
actually have to admit that I know *nothing* about the code I'm sending. 
However, I still hope that this work provides a useful basis for future work 
on this task. Unfortunately I've got a tight schedule for the next months, so 
I won't be able to help you out on this, either.
