[Bf-codereview] Custom Nodes (issue 7099061)

brechtvanlommel at gmail.com brechtvanlommel at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 13:40:22 CET 2013

Testing the patch, I found these issues:

* For Cycles in the material properties, it shows "No output node" in
the Surface and Displacement panels.

* For color sockets, it now shows the color box aligned to the right of
the node rather than the left. Is this intentional?  With e.g. a Diffuse
BSDF node this looks quite confusing to me.

* When doing "Make Group", there is a submenu with one item. That seems
pointless, and I'm not even sure why there has do be a popup in the
first place.

* When entering a group, there is a green background color shown. I'm
not sure a different background color is needed, a good indication in
the header is enough I think.

* Group Input/Ouptut nodes have a black header here, missing version
patch for theming?

* It seems that you can put Group Input/Output nodes in groups
themselves. I guess that's not intenional.

* When there are no nodes selected or use nodes is disabled, it doesn't
show the grid lines. I think they should show still, I think it's a good
visual cue for quickly seeing which editor type you're looking at. Other
editors like graph or image do the same.

* Cycles Render > open node editor > add new material, it prints
"RNA_string_set: NodeSocketShader.value_property not found." in the

* Cycles render > open node editor > add new material > press pin button
> split node editor in two > crash.

* Cycles render > open node editor > add new material > Diffuse BSDF
color has 0 alpha value instead of 1.

* Cycles render > open node editor > add new material > select Diffuse
BSDF > make group > exit group. Group color socket has black rather than
white color.

* Cycles render > open node editor > add new material > pin > change to
display compositing nodes:
     layout.prop(snode_id.render, "use_free_unused_nodes", text="Free
AttributeError: 'Material' object has no attribute 'render'

* Cycles render > open node editor > change to texture nodes > crash.

* I think the pin icon should be to the right of the datablock selector
as it is in the image editor.


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