[Bf-codereview] Convex hull bmesh operator (issue 6114060)

NicholasBishop at gmail.com NicholasBishop at gmail.com
Sat Apr 28 23:18:42 CEST 2012

On 2012/04/28 20:36:46, ideasman42 wrote:

> one more general comment is that I think having the operator delete
the holes
> its self might not be so good.

> Instead the blender operator could do this on faces tagged as
original. - This
> isnt really bad, just think it can get a bit messy if a lot of
operators call
> eachother because of functionality users might want. rather have them
low level
> and the callers can mix together the operators that make sense in some
> In this case the caller is the wmOperator

Before, I was doing deletion in the wmOperator, but the code got a bit
more complex than just deleting original faces -- all the code in
hull_delete_unused() and hull_make_holes(). Agree it gets trickier to
combine operators now, but on the other hand  the hull operator has
flags to disable these operations too.

So, not sure which option is best:
a) In the hull bmop, find elements to be deleted and tag them in an
output slot, then actually delete in the wm op
b) Move both the find-deleteable-elements and deletion to the wm op
c) Leave both in the bmop and let other operators disable with slot


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