[Bf-codereview] Fisheye Panorama for Cycles (issue 6111052)

dfelinto at gmail.com dfelinto at gmail.com
Wed Apr 25 20:26:16 CEST 2012

"It needs a version patch, changes in blender internal, maybe 3d view
drawing and any place that checks camera type, and removal of the old

That's what I was wondering when I asked on the plans for the panorama
camera. What I wasn't sure (and still am not) is:
(1) get rid of 'use_panorama' leaving the panorama as an option only for
(2) leave 'use_panorama' working for the internal renderer as it is and
panorama camera for cycles.
(3) implement a real panorama camera for internal renderer.

I know the (3) would be ideal, but I'm not sure I can accomplish it
without some guidance (and if the workload is too big it may not be
ready so soon). I don't think we can get it to work without doing
multiple renders and stitching it together. I also always assumed 'you'
(ton actually) wouldn't want a bunch of 'if (dome)' polluting the render
core code ;)

(attaching next a small fix for the 2 raised issues + removing cylinder


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