[Verse-dev] blender verse

Artem Baguinski artm at v2.nl
Fri May 16 17:49:59 CEST 2008


i'm learning what we can do with verse and especially with verse
enabled blender. at the moment just doing some stupid experiments.

i started a couple of weeks ago, before my vacation and new release of
ubuntu. i could connect blender to verse server and move objects
around and what not.

i resumed my experiments now, on a new version of ubuntu and it won't
connect anymore. other verse tools still work, so i started to
investigate blender.

whenever i try to connect it seems to hang. if i break it and look at
the backtrace it's always something like:

0x08699d01 in v_bignum_mul ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x08699d01 in v_bignum_mul ()
#1  0x0869a436 in v_bignum_reduce ()
#2  0x08698d35 in v_prime_test ()
#3  0x08698e56 in v_prime_set_random ()
#4  0x086953a3 in v_e_connect_create_key ()
#5  0x08693a4e in verse_send_connect ()
#6  0x0849c7c6 in create_verse_session ()
#7  0x0849c8e1 in b_verse_connect ()

and if i look at strace it seems to be reading from /dev/urandom
non-stop, as if it couldn't generate a random number it would like.

any idea what could be going on?


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