[Bf-python] Fixing NMesh.getVertexInfluences

Ken Hughes khughes at pacific.edu
Sun Jan 15 02:09:47 CET 2006

Tom M wrote:
> Ken,
> comments elsewhere suggested that merely uncommenting that part of the
> code restored the old behavior?  (I didn't test but recall reading
> that somewhere?)

Nope; the old code refers to sweight->data, and data doesn't exist it 
the current data structure.

But I just reread Tron's earlier post from today;  the code he posted I 
don't see anywhere in the NMesh module.  It has an object pointer, and 
there isn't an object declared in that function (maybe it's the object 
linked to the mesh?  the mesh parent?).  So I don't know where it came 
from either.

Tron:  maybe do a "cvs diff" and upload as a patch to the patch tracker 
so we can look at it?


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