[Bf-python] API overhaul - irc meeting?

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at superig.com.br
Sat Jan 7 15:14:55 CET 2006

Hi, replying to multiple emails:

Ken Hughes wrote:
> * As we go through the process, building some "formal" coding standards

Definitely. We have to decide about many things, from naming conventions 
to use of macros / helper functions, etc. I'd like clear policies about 
including general helper functions, for example, so that we all can 
reuse them properly.

> * Developing a simpler scripting module or interface.

This can and should be done directly in Python imo. We can have a 
powerful wrapper for bigger / fancier apps and a simple one for quick, 
more intuitive access, as you suggested.

Campbell Barton wrote:
 > 1) Documentation- I personaly like epydocs but having a way to
 > document things Once is ideal.

Yes, of course.

 > Couldent we jenerate the epydocs from docstrings in Blender?

Should be possible if we fix the docs. We can test that when our first 
module gets rewritten. I dislike the "\n\", but I can live with that, of 


Made a quick test, something like this should *eventually* work from 
inside Blender (or via blender -b -P thisfile.py) :

# Note: currently this doesn't work, there's an error in
# Effect.c (Particle's Init, seems its name should be
# "Blender.Effect.Particle", not "Blender.Particle".
# Even correcting that is not enough, since the docs are
# not epydoc friendly.

import Blender, types, sys
from epydoc.cli import cli

command = 'epydoc -o BPY_API --url http://www.blender.org -t 
API_intro.py -n Blender --no-private --no-frames'

# Collect all modules to document

all_modules = []

def get_modules(mod): # sheesh
	global all_modules
	modname = mod.__name__
	print 'name', modname
	content = dir(mod)
	for c in content:
		exec('a = type(%s.%s)' % (modname, c))
		if a == types.ModuleType:
			print 'get_modules(%s.%s)' % (modname, c)
			exec('get_modules(%s.%s)' % (modname, c))


# prepare the sys.argv that we need in order to call epydoc.cli.cli():
command = command.split()

sys.argv = command

cli() # finally run epydoc


About the color wrapper, issue was that Blender itself is not consistent 
regarding color data representation. Maybe we can / should correct that, 
but it's obviously something that would require extra care.

Stephen Swaney wrote:
 > My personal preference for the meeting is AFTER the regular Sunday 

Ok for me, Stephen and Tom (who also stated the same pref). I should be 
there earlier, too, anyway.

 > I have started a wiki page to discuss the BPy Cleanup.
 > http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/BPy_API_Cleanup_-_2006

Great start :), thanks.


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