[Bf-python] Proposal to getSelected and getAcitve

Mark Potse mark at potse.nl
Fri Mar 4 19:31:16 CET 2005

On 04-Mar-2005 Stephen Swaney wrote:
>> It depends on the purpose of the script. I think it is intuitive and 
>> useful to act on the active object when doing something that would
>> be done in edit mode when done manually. Modifying a mesh, for example.
> You got into EditMode by selecting an object, yes?

... then going out of EditMode, accidentally deselecting all
objects, then going into EditMode again. After all that, 
I'm in EditMode with an active object and an empty 
object selection.

Anyway I coined a few days ago that this may be a spurious
feature of Blender. Perhaps it should refuse to go into 
EditMode when there's no selected object. All  depends on
the definition of the "active object". Is it the lastly 
selected object (so that there cannot be an active object
when there are no selected objects) or is it something


 Mark Potse  < http://www.potse.nl >
 Institute of Biomedical Engineering
 University of Montreal * * * Canada

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