[Bf-docboard] Reference for nodes.

joe joeedh at gmail.com
Wed Jul 5 13:50:29 CEST 2006

Hi.  http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Tutorials/Nodes_Tutorial_Ref
is coming along pretty well, and I'd like to work on integrating it
into the manual now that I've got so much done with it (and plus I
should have some time this week to work on it, as there's a break in
classes for the week).

I propose that a new section "Compositing" be created for the manual,
which will contain the compositor section of my reference doc, along
with any tutorials that may be written.  This section will not be
actually added to the manual index until some compositing tutorials
have been written (and/or my reference page is finished), as my
understanding is that each section should have a tutorial and a
reference part (though I don't totally understand how this is supposed
to work).

I don't actually know the inner plans of the manual.  The above
proposal is really more of an idea for a general direction; so I need
to find our whose actually in charge of this kind of thing.  I'm
kindof at a loss of where to go now.


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