[Bf-docboard] chapter_mesh_modelling

Bart Veldhuizen bf-docboard@blender.org
Fri, 10 Jan 2003 22:06:47 +0100

On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 03:40, Alex Heizer wrote:

> That would be okay, but keep in mind if we go that route we wouldn't
> able to do any kind of color-correcting or cropping, and it doesn't
> into account screencaps. I can get edit window screencaps at around 
> 2.5-3 inches square at print resolution (upwards of 900 pixels on a

Would cropping be necessary if you properly set your render parameters?
About the color correction I agree, although you'll probably want to
color correct everything right before the printing process, or not?
Don't you have to take the 'color profiles' (I don't know the right word
here) of the printing equipment into account?

> How about this idea: make the graphics, with the high-res ones, and 
> downsample them to the lo-res versions, but make only the lo-res 
> available for download AND the .blend file so that if people want the 
> high-res, they can make it themselves. That would keep the CVS tree 
> small, but still let people have large versions if they want them.  :)

Where should we keep the hi-res versions?


Bart Veldhuizen <bart@vrotvrot.com>