[Verse-dev] Verse, Blender and OpenSG

Jiří Hnídek jiri.hnidek at tul.cz
Fri May 6 14:36:10 CEST 2011

I the developer, who implemented Verse to Blender. I try to improve
Verse protocol now:


I have plans to re-implement Verse to Blender2.5

I don't know anything about OpenSG Renderer for Verse.


Julian Adenauer píše v Pá 06. 05. 2011 v 12:05 +0200:
> Hi,
> I am a PhD student at the Technical University in Berlin. My research is focussed on virtual prototypes of interactive (mechatronic) products. For that the combination of modeling, physical simulation and behaviour-programming that Blender offers is very interesting for me. Right now I am looking for a possibility to get the simulation I get in the Blender Game Engine into our CAVE-System that is based on OpenSG. During my research I came across the (Uni-)Verse project and it seems that this seems to do exactly what I am looking for. I have some questions, though, and I hope you can help me:
> - I came across an OpenSG Renderer for Verse (http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:Uni-Verse/OpenSG_Renderer) but it is not very well documented. Do you have any more information about this project or someone whom I can contact with questions about it?
> - The uni-verse project ended in 2007 and the Blender Verse integration dates back to 2005. Are there still developers working on Verse? And more important: Do you know of any attempts to integrate Verse in the current (2.5) or future versions of Blender? I just at the beginning of understanding both Blender and Verse, so could you perhaps give me an idea of how much work such an integration would cause?
> Thank you very very much in advance!
> Best wishes from Berlin,
> Julian
> --
> Julian Adenauer, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
> Technische Universität Berlin
> Zentrum Mensch-Maschine-Systeme (ZMMS)
> Graduiertenkolleg Prometei
> Raum FR 2015
> Franklinstr. 28/29
> Sekretariat FR 2-6
> D-10587 Berlin
> Tel: +49 (0) 30 314-29634
> Mobil: +49 (0) 176 10 33 23 90
> Fax: +49 (0) 30 314-72581
> julian.adenauer at zmms.tu-berlin.de
> www.prometei.de
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