[Verse-dev] Verse 4 Max

j.dobos j.dobos at cs.ucl.ac.uk
Mon Mar 14 16:16:47 CET 2011

Dear All,
I’m looking for the 3ds Max Verse plug-in. The one from the uni-verse installation for 2008 max doesn’t seem to install, neither could I find any source in the svn verse repository. The website http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:Uni-Verse/Verse4Max suggests there was a working version at some point, but I’m unable to get my hands on it. 

The only thing I found was this old page: http://www.pdc.kth.se/~slas/Verse4Max/ but no luck there either. 

Would anyone be able to point me to the source of max script used for the 2008 version? I’d be very happy to port it to 2010 max and upload it to the repo.

Kind regards,
Jozef Dobos

University College London (UCL)
Dept. of Computer Science
Malet Place
London WC1E 6BT
United Kingdom

Office: 4.17
Phone: +44 (0)20 7679 3308 (direct dial)
Web: http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/jdobos/
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