[Verse-dev] Project Status

eskil at obsession.se eskil at obsession.se
Sat Apr 10 17:38:47 CEST 2010


> Hi Aaron,
> No, I don't think so, maybe Eskil does some work to improve it,
> but only because he needs it for "Love".

>> Is this project still in active development?

I would rather say Yes and No. The protocol itself is done, (i use it
every day) so its not being worked on, changing the protocol would break
the apps that are using it so that's something I really want to avoid.

I spend a considerable time working on tools and tech that uses Verse.
Part of this is to make my game LOVE (it uses Verse as its content
pipeline) but also for future things. Lately I have been improving my
automatic uv tool and I have started work on a procedural texture tool.
You can fund all my work at: http://www.quelsolaar.com



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