[Verse-dev] Question

Jiří Hnídek jiri.hnidek at tul.cz
Wed Mar 18 12:08:16 CET 2009

Hi Aleksandar,
there is not too much activity around uni-verse.org now. I try to create
new verse specification of verse protocol and reimplemented it. The
integration of Verse to the Blender has never included sharing of sound
nodes. Verse implementation of Verse was removed from current blender2.5
development branch, but it will be added back later (hopefully with more
functionality and stability) :-).

Best regards,


Aleksandar Obradovic píše v St 18. 03. 2009 v 10:38 +0100:
> Hallo list,
> My name is Aleksandar, I am a Master student of Music Production in
> Rotterdam Conservatoire. 
> I found UniVerse project on the internet while being busy connecting
> Blender with SuperCollider through OSC. 
> It looks like a very interesting concept but I don't see any activity
> on www.uni-verse.org since 2007.
> Is the project still up and running?
> Kind regards,
> Aleksandar
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