[Verse-dev] JVerse - noodleglue

Stuart Axon stuaxo2 at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 25 20:35:57 CEST 2008

I've been in touch with koders.com and their going to look into retrieving noodleglue from their database, this could provide a way to generate the bindings to verse for java

----- Original Message ----
From: Stuart Axon <stuaxo2 at yahoo.com>
To: verse-dev at blender.org
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 5:00:09 PM
Subject: [Verse-dev] Generate native java verse from C code with Cybl ?


Cybl is an interesting possibility, it compiles C into java bytecode... I'm not sure how many changes need to be made to make it work.

When I was trying this out, I could only get it working in linux, I did get it working in ubuntu in vmware though (I use the bagside vmware image of Hardy Heron).

If we had a native java version of the verse library it would be more powerful than java bindings on the C code, we could use it in environments like j2me, where there is no possibility of using native C code.


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