[Verse-dev] Java bindings

Stuart Axon stuaxo2 at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 25 16:51:39 CEST 2008

Heres my request on the processing site

Stage 1 - Make java-verse bindings.
I was thinking maybe we could use something to generate this, theres a great looking program called noodleglue, but the site is down... the only place with code is koders.com, but you can't just pull it from there, maybe worth contacting them.

So maybe this (jverse (?)) should be hosted on the main verse site, or otherwise something like google code.

Possibly at this stage it would be possible to generate a cube in processing using this manually, then send it to blender, this might get processing people interested to help with stage 2

Stage 2 - Build the processing a 3d library (like P3D, OPENGL... but UNI-VERSE or something), and start sending data across.

----- Original Message ----
From: Kiran <krec.kiran at gmail.com>
To: verse-dev at blender.org
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 3:26:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Verse-dev] Java bindings

Interested to work !

Thanks & Regards

On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 7:48 PM, Damon Loren Baker <dbaker at uiuc.edu> wrote:

I'm  looking into some sort of verse implementation for
processing/java as well, right now it seems pretty daunting but maybe
if we get enough people interested in it we can make some progress.

Damon Loren Baker
Art Design Technology
Associate Curator
Krannert Art Museum

On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 9:02 AM, Emil Brink <emil at obsession.se> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 2:33 PM, Stuart Axon <stuaxo2 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Any idea how much work would be involved?
> Well ... Not "too much", but it's hard to quantize, plus it's been a
> couple of years since I had my nose deep in the Verse API.
> If you can read C, you can have a look yourself at the API header.
> It's in SVN here:
> <https://projects.blender.org/plugins/scmsvn/viewcvs.php/trunk/verse/verse.h?revision=3884&root=verse&view=markup>
> I had some trouble surfing this up (I had to log in ... ?), not sure
> if that is how it is supposed to work. If so, you might need to create
> an account with Blender to get access.
>>  I have a friend who might be interested in doing it; I have no idea of the size of the verse api.
> Show your friend the Verse code in SVN at projects.blender.org, let
> him decide for himself. :)
>> To start with I just want enough working to get a
>> demo with some cubes working.
> That is ... not a lot, but not a little either. :)
>> Basically in processing, the things I want to run through verse are:
>> pushMatrix
>> popMatrix
>> Box(size)  <-  Makes a cube in the current colour
>> rotateX
>> rotateY
>> rotateZ  <-  These all just change the current matrix, which you push
>> lights  <- enables lighting
> I don't know Processing, but Verse does not work at this level ... You
> can't "push the matrix" in Verse, it's not a rendering API but more of
> a data description system that lets you share a "world" across
> multiple machines.
>> I'm hoping that once a basic demo is working maybe people will be interested in contributing and filling out the api (maybe from the processing community or wherever)
> Sounds like a nice enough goal ... Good luck, if you chose to proceed!
> Regards,
> /Emil
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