[Verse-dev] Verse in Cairo?

Jiří Hnídek jiri.hnidek at tul.cz
Fri Oct 10 12:25:19 CEST 2008

sorry I didn't response soon. I was too busy at work.

Emil Brink píše v Po 06. 10. 2008 v 12:51 +0200:
> On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 12:41 PM, Stuart Axon <stuaxo2 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > It would be feasable - as a port of the opengl backend.  The output would be converted to triangles in the same way though.
> > The range of applications is a lot less than if verse could do curved edges.  Although if curved edges were added to verse then
> > then it would be trivial to add it to some pre-existing cairo backend.   Without curves it is less useful - more for display usage
> > than say editing, or output to svg or print.

I thing adding support of curves could be complicated. It would be
necessary to create proposal of specification. Request comments to this
specification. Include comments into the new specification. Repeat these
steps several times. Implement new specification to verse server.

Of course you can do evil hack and use geometry node for sharing curve
control points. You will have to use first layer for coordination of
control points and ignore second layer (intended for faces). You could
use different layers for sequence of control pints, type of control
points, weight of control points, etc. Problem is this: only you will
know, how does it work.

> Verse's geometry primitive is creased subdivision surfaces. They
> express "curves", i.e. smooth surfaces, just fine. They just
> don't do it with Beziérs.
> Look at the human head behind the logo on verse.blender.org. That is a
> subdivided mesh, it is *not* triangles "all the way down".
> Blender supports subdivs too, but I can't say how much of Blender's
> subdiv support (creasing, etc) is supported through Verse
> now (it's been too long). Perhaps Jiri is around to answer that?

Blender support subdivision surfaces too, but only base mesh. it doesn't
support sharing of creasing, etc.

> The problem then, I guess, becomes "is it possible to go from whatever
> representation you want to edit fonts in, to Verse's
> subdivision surfaces for publishing to Verse, and back again in a
> loss-less non-ambigous manner?". Unfortunately, I don't
> know the answer to that question. :)
> Regards,
> /Emil

Best Regards,

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