[Verse-dev] Verse at GDC

eskil at obsession.se eskil at obsession.se
Tue Mar 6 19:42:38 CET 2007


sorry for not beeing on top of all the trafic on the mailing list  
lately, I will get to it. Right now Im in a Apple storre in San  
francisco and tomorrow the big Game developers Expo will start and  
verse will be there!

Together with Sony and Khronos we will be showing off verse as a  
pipeline tool. So if you are here come visit us at booth #160. Among  
the things to be shown is verse running on the PlayStation3! I have  
updated my web site (www.quelsolaar.com) with some new stuff about the  
pipelining tools using verse. An other cool news is that there are a  
number of other companies that want to meet me about verse in the  
comming days.

Last but not least I spent some time at sonys labs yesturday and they  
have managed to get a repeatable "packet decode failed" error.  
(something I never managed to do). With some debugging i managed to  
solve it! A patch is comming soon. There is an error in the string  
packing is you pack a string that is longer then you are alowd. Im  
starting the see the benefits of comersial software development: it  
was a long copyright notice that broke the string length....

This is not a serious problem, just stay under the limit and you will  
be fine. If you dont, you will get an persistent error but it  
shouldent break your app, make it vonerable or anything like that.



(I may not be able to read replys for a while)

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