[Verse-dev] b_tile_set behavior problems

Jeremy White dudymas at gmail.com
Mon Jul 9 01:26:00 CEST 2007

Howdy ya'll,

I'm currently working on a small project with verse as an experiment. My
development platform right now is a Mac with OSX on an intel dual-core
chipset (generation 2 of the MBP laptops), and thusly I compiled the server
under darwin, but I use xcode right now as an IDE for coding the client.
None of that should matter however, as this seems to be a deeper problem...
perhaps with something I don't understand about the protocol. Right now, I'm
trying to create bitmap nodes on the server and receive tiles from them. The
behavior that I predict is that if I subscribe to a bitmap node, set its
dimensions so that it has a depth of one and any given width and height,
create three layers which are all uint8, and then subscribe to them with a
depth of 0, I should receive uint8 tiles in my b_tile_set callback. The
actual behavior that I get, however, is that I receive tiles formatted in
uint1, and trying to access tile->vuint8 causes illegal access errors. This,
however, might be caused by a single error message I get from both the
server and client:

v_network: Couldn't set send buffer size of socket to 1048576
v_network: Couldn't set receive buffer size of socket to 1048576

These messages might be the root of the issue, but a lot of searching and
looking at the verse server code has been pretty fruitless. I'm not sure how
to get the size of a socket, as it appears to not be a data structure.
Either way, I need to fix the problem, not so much understand it (though
both sure would be nice). I'll keep at it, but perhaps someone here could
give me a leg up on things or even point me to a better place to search for
answers. Functions? Code line numbers? Debugging tricks? Winning lottery
tickets? (just kidding, but know that I understand if you can't help me
here)... I don't see a lot of example code that uses bitmaps either, and
that might be especially nice if you have some tried and true bitmap code
you'd be willing to share (especially for macs. I'm currently tearing my
hair out over the cgimages and data providers. But it's supposedly working
so far). For now, if it keeps up, I'll just switch to windows or a unix
system and try out my code there... although I have a feeling that won't
help even if I can get it to work on those platforms (my intent is to get
the client working on all three OS's: mac, win, and unix). My next
desperation might be to see if the gimp plugin works on mac so I could try
using it to edit nodes and see if somehow there must be something wrong with
the client code I'm writing. For now, it seems the client is working
perfectly fine except for only returning bitmaps as uint1 and those two
v_network errors.

Thanks in advance if you can help me out here. I might show up on irc from
time to time to continually bug people. It's my least favorite strategy of
getting answers, but the core spec doesn't have all the info I'm looking
for... or so it seems... if nothing else, let me know if you guys want me to
just post back later when I have more info on what might be causing the

Thanks again, and I've been loving verse up until I somehow got this all
confused... it's been a lot easier to work with than I expected and rather

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