[Verse-dev] A strange bug

Samuel Siltanen saasilta at cc.hut.fi
Mon Feb 5 12:36:58 CET 2007


I found a strange bug which I cannot understand. Could someone how knows 
more about the VML-loader and the Verse-server try to explain what could 
be wrong here.

I have the Verse-server running and my real-time reducer connected to it 
(the reducer is calling verse_callback_update repeatedly). Then I use the 
VML-loader to upload the "testscene.vml" (found at 
http://www.pdc.kth.se/~slas/universe/models/) to the server. When I print 
out the commands the server is receiving, some of the link setting 
commands are never received by the server (those of the nodes 47, 56, 67, 
and 71 in the "testscene" model). That produces a few geometry nodes which 
are not linked to any object node. The strange thing is that if I do not 
connect the reducer to the Verse-server, the server does receive those 
linking commands. At first, I used the local host only, but then I tested 
moving the server to another machine, but the result was the same.

Do you have any ideas where the bug might be?

Samuel Siltanen
saasilta at cc.hut.fi

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