[Verse-dev] The Common Denominator is NURBS

Esben Stien b0ef at esben-stien.name
Tue Apr 24 03:13:46 CEST 2007

eskil at obsession.se writes:

> Verse geometry is not polygons its creased Subdivision surfaces
> (although it can be used as polygons, something far too many take
> advantage of) and they are curved just like NURBS.

Sure, but you can't access these curves and surfaces. You just
manipulate a stupid cage;). You can't detach one of these curves and
sweep a curve along it, f.ex.

> Since the topology is fixed you need to use several patches to make
> objects, and that gives you loads of continuity problems especially
> when you do animation.

It's not a problem if you attach the patches properly. 

> if you have NURB Surface you can easily transport it using verse.

If verse doesn't store NURBS, how can you store it on a verse server
and be able to manipulate the NURBS?.

Esben Stien is b0ef at e     s      a             
         http://www. s     t    n m
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           jid:b0ef@    n     n

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