[Verse-dev] The Common Denominator is NURBS

Justizin justizin at siggraph.org
Sat Apr 14 17:29:10 CEST 2007

On 4/14/07, Esben Stien <b0ef at esben-stien.name> wrote:
> Joe Eagar <joeedh at gmail.com> writes:
> > Why do subdivision surfaces exist then?
> Some people find them easier to work with. Especially artists without
> engineering background.

you mean the ones that make big hollywood movies and blockbuster video
game titles? ;)

> > Everything I've read implies that NURBS has limitations compared to
> > subdivision surfaces schemes.
> NURBS having limitations compared to subdivision surfaces is
> ridiculous;).
> This is, however not the point here. The point is that NURBS is the
> common denominator, most efficient means and lossless way of storing
> arbitrary geometry of any complexity.

.. if you happen to be an artist with an engineering background, which
is a mighty narrow demographic. ;)

also, i think this is a point of theory.  graphics cards render
polymesh, don't make me bring up quotes from the last 50 years of the
music industry on "lossless" compression and other digital technology
which is highly rejected.

maybe verse could support nurbs in addition, but also if you want true
interop between an arbitrary field of user applications, polymesh is
probably more consistent.

Justin Alan Ryan
Independent Interactivity Architect

"You don't lead by pointing and telling people some place to go. You
lead by going to that place and making a case." -Ken Kesey

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