[Verse-dev] Verse Export Tool Kit

eskil at obsession.se eskil at obsession.se
Tue Apr 3 15:08:12 CEST 2007


The last few days i have been working on some game related stuff and  
part of that have been to start working on a Verse export tool kit  
(vetk), and now I'm making my first release. Its so small I'm mailing  
it out. Currently it helps clean geometry data for real time rendering  
usage. It removes unwanted data and generates correct normals and  
makes sure as many vertices's are shared as possible taking in to  
account texture seams and things like that. You can ask it create any  
vertex structure you want with packed vertex data. It converts all  
polys to tris (if you want it to) and if generates neighbour data as  

In the future i hope to add Subdivision, shader generation and more  
useful stuff. But first it would be nice to get some feedback on this.  
It uses Enough, and my st files, but except for verse it has no other  

One thing to note is that most apps (Max and blender developers do you  
hear me?) doesn't bother with setting crease data on to models making  
all models flat shaded. Until they fix this you can use Loq to fix  
your models (Hint: look for the auto crease function)

Hope you like it.


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