[Verse-dev] A bug

Samuel Siltanen saasilta at cc.hut.fi
Tue Sep 5 13:34:30 CEST 2006


I think there is a bug in the Verse code in v_gen_pack_o_node.c line 495:

if(func_o_transform_rot_real64 != NULL)
   func_o_transform_rot_real64(v_fs_get_user_data(33), node_id, time_s,
                               time_f, &trot, q[0], q[1], q[2], drag);

Should the number 33 be 36? If this is not changed the callback function 
for verse_send_o_transform_rot_real64 () gives corrupted user data.

Samuel Siltanen
saasilta at cc.hut.fi

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