[Verse-dev] New apps release for the blender conf.

eskil at obsession.se eskil at obsession.se
Fri Oct 20 04:36:02 CEST 2006


In about an hour im leaving for this years blender conferance. I hope  
to meet many of you there. We will have verse developers session, and  
i will also give a talk on OpenGL. We will also show case the new  
master server support in Blender. Its in CVS right now so go check it  
out. Having said that I hope as many of you as possible can set up  
public servers so we can start filling the list.

To coincide with this im releasing new versions of my apps too. The  
have a quite hefty list of new featiures and fixes:

New login window:
-typein login.
-Server list.
The rendering now supports:
-GLSL 120 support
-number of lights settings
-Fades betwean key lights
-Tighter tesseletion
-About 5 times faster tesselation
-New nortmal algorithem
-Fixed CoOn flicker
-Now supports different Ramp modes
-Hide support
-Global illumination shaders.
Loq featiures
-New copy selection to new node function
-Tweeked tolors for LCD displays
-Fixed settings saver.
Co On fixes.
-Shader ball rendering vastly optimized.
-Material fragmet delete crash fix (Finaly!!)
-Default blenders are now in multiply mode.
-Major material node re write.
-You can now draw links from colapsed fragments.
-Pop up menues on lings for inserting nodes.
-Background and line color settings.
-All lines now anti aliased.
-Rewritten setting save.
-Lines are now Alpha transparent
-Scroll bar fixed.
-Delete/Hide/HideRecursevly/Clone doesnt chase you to enter list mode.
-Clone node now actiualy works (but only for object, geometry,  
material and bitmap nodes)
-Lable text on nodes now larger.
-Recursive hide now works in both directions.

Grab it at:




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