[Verse-dev] Another linking error with VC 2005 Express

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Mon Oct 2 17:04:29 CEST 2006

Eugene Reilly wrote:
> Hey Emil, thanks for getting back to me so quick. 
> <mailto:verse-dev at projects.blender.org>
>  >So ... Where are you doing this? Are you trying to build Verse on its 
> own, or inside Blender? I don't know if Blender's copy of Verse is up to 
> date.
> I was trying to build verse inside Blender with the latest Blender CVS.  


> I realized that the Verse that's in Blender was old, so I replaced 
> what's in Blender now (extern folder > verse folder > dist folder 
> contents) with what I got from "cvs - 
> d:pserver:anonymous at cvs.blender.org:/cvsroot/verse login".  Maybe that 
> was the mistake?  Is this not the updated source?

No, that was totally correct. Not sure if that is supposed to not get
you the new file, but I would expect it to ... Strange.

>  >If you've "replaced" the files in extern/verse with the latest, you 
> might have missed the new file, vs_master.c
> That's exactly what I did so I'll check to see if I missed this file 
> somehow.  At least I know that what to look for.  Sorry to terrify you!  
> It's probably my fault.

No problem. :) Jiri (the Verse-Blender developer) told me extern/verse has
been updated to r6p1 now anyway, so your special effort is no longer needed,

Please let us know how it worked out!



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