[Verse-dev] AUX asset management spec.

Justizin justizin at siggraph.org
Tue Nov 7 13:00:01 CET 2006

Eskil, have you thought at all of leveraging the Dublin Core Metadata

  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dublin_Core (feel free to switch to a
native language)

"state" could also be a rules-driven workflow / state machine, though
even for this purpose it probably makes sense to use a text field
which can have workflow attached.  This might be useful for forcing
some regression tests to run before something is marked as "complete",
and then with no further communication, a human tester can look for
objects which are purportedly "complete".

On 11/7/06, eskil at obsession.se <eskil at obsession.se> wrote:
> Hi
> There has been a lot of talk about asset management using verse
> lately. Part of it coming form Collada and some of it from Cristal
> Space. So I thought i would write a asset management spec to help
> people with this. So here it is, I would like to get some feedback on
> it. I am considering adding some more granularity like being able to
> define the status on data like UV, Texturing and so on. It may be good
> to be able to have some kind of spread sheet capability where you can
> see the status of the different assets. Beyond this Emil and I are
> working on a new version of the loader/saver that lets you save
> updates and be able to role back the content of a part or the entire
> verse scene. The first version of that should be out very soon.
> Cheers
> E
> AUX asset management spec
> -------------------------
> When dealing with multiple users working on large data sets with many
> nodes, it can be good to manage these assets by tagging the nodes with
> various meta data. Here is a set of recommended tags. It is
> recommended that tools set as many of thees tags as possible
> automatically.
> All the following tags should be in a tag group named "asset"
> "sections"
> Used for grouping content in to multiple layers. What is commonly
> reffed to as "layers" in 3D applications. For instance characters,
> landscape, and trees. This is used to allow users to hide parts of the
> data set that is not of interest.
> "tool"
> Text tag indicating the main tool used for the creation and
> modification of the node.
> "author"
> Text tag indicating the artist responsible for the creation of the node.
> "assigned"
> Text tag with the name of the person assigned to work on the data.
> "approved"
> This text  tag is set on any data that is final and approved, and the
> text string indicate who approved the data.
> "version"
> Version number of the data indicated as a real tag. Fractions are used
> to indicate minor changes and the integer part indicates major
> revisions.
> "status"
> Free text that describes the status of the node for instance: "model
> complete, missing UV".
> "placeholder"
> A tag set on quick mockup data used before the final data is constructed.
> "library"
> Library is used for grouping assets, not parts of scenes (like
> sections) For instance a library called "wood" can contain all wood
> material and textures.
> "source"
> A text or link tag that contains the file path, or link to text node
> containing the source data that was used for generating the data. Can
> be application specific files from a editing application.
> "generated"
> A tag set on all data that is generated by a specific tool and not by
> human hand, this can be a object that has a dependency associated with
> it that keeps it dependent on other data.
> "alternative"
> Same as "Source" but rather pointing to data that can be used as a a
> alternative representation of the node. It is recommended not to use
> this tag unless absolutely necessary since the data may easily become
> out of sync with the verse data. It is also worth remembering that no
> other tools will be able to parse this alternative representation. If
> used it is recommended to have a service that updates the alternative
> representation always to be in sync with the verse representation.
> "file"
> Once a asset has been exported to a file this tag indicates the path
> to that file. a node may have multiple file tags if the node is
> exported in to multiple versions.
> "comment"
> Free form text commenting the data.
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Justizin, Independent Interactivity Architect
ACM SIGGRAPH SysMgr, Reporter

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